Purchase Order Processing from the Purchase Order Entry Screen
You can access many of the regular tasks required without leaving the Purchase Order entry screen. These include:
Recording changes to stock prices and details.
Creating a new supplier.
Opening multiple screens without having to minimise the purchase order entry screen.
Creating a new stock item.
Accessing stock item balances .... and more.
Additional Purchase Order Processing Functionality
Multiple additional features, all designed to streamline purchase order processing. These include:
Easily enter and amend purchase orders using the rapid order entry grid.
Automatically calculate quantity break discounts for different suppliers.
Retrieve and add items from historical orders at the click of a button.
Create back to back sales orders from purchase orders.
Rapid Sales Order Entry
A plethora of features from our Sales Order plus addon that greatly enhance and improve processing of sales orders, making Order Plus ideal for telesales and trade counter environments. These include:
Retrieving and adding items from historical purchases, checking prices and adding multiple items at the click of a button.
Sales ledger memo pop-up.
Fast creation of new customers.
Sales notepad to price an order before a customer is created or selected.
Fast entry to other screens.
Finding customer accounts quickly.
One click despatch/invoicing ... and more.
Stock Kitting and Barcoding
Just two of the many additional features for enhancing the sales order processing side.
Stock Kitting
- Allows you to create and maintain kit items from within Sage 200. Kits are collections of individual stock items which are sold together as one package, simply by entering the kit item code on the sales order.
- Allows you to set multiple barcodes against a stock item, with integrated barcode aliasing it turns your SOP screen into a true trade counter application. Any screen with stock lookup can be used with a barcode.
Automated Cross Selling Screen Prompts
Power your telesales and trade counter sales team by increasing cross-selling opportunities.
Alert users of associated products when entering an order e.g. torch and batteries.
Over 80 Additional Addons with the inclusion of the Plus Pack
The Plus Pack features the most popular Addons requested by Eureka Solutions customers over the years and includes:
Retail Stock Transfer
- Process stock transfers between branches or warehouses much, much faster than in standard Sage 200.
Back to Back Orders
- Automatically create purchase orders from a sales order, or vice versa.
Stock Code Aliasing
- Use multiple stock codes for the same product anywhere within Sage 200 e.g. Supplier and manufacturer codes, barcodes and customer specific stock codes.
Sales Order Profit Warning
- Displays a warning when an individual stock item or product group profit falls below a specified margin during sales order entry.
Warehouse Shortfall
- Recommends stock that needs reordered based on warehouse levels and can create the purchase order. Can also take into account unallocated Sales Orders.
Sales Receipt to Multiple Accounts
- Allows a single customer receipt to be allocated across multiple sales ledger accounts.