Adept Tools for Sage 50
Import & Export Sage Data
Adept CSV Tools can help eliminate mistakes created by duplicating your workload with manual data entry. Import or Export data in the following Sage modules: Customers, Suppliers, Products, Sales Invoices & Credits, Sales & Purchase Orders, Price Lists, Projects & Transactions.

Benefits of using the Adept CSV Tools
- You do not have to log other users out of Sage while using our CSV Add-On Tools.
- They can be used to import data into any field exposed by the Sage SDO.
- The column headings in the first line of the CSV file are used to define the fields that the data should be imported into or exported from.
- Monitor a specified folder for new CSV files and import them automatically or Run from a Command Line.
- In a multi company Sage environment the company that each import should be loaded into can be specified in the CSV file.
Pricing and Licence Information
- They are Multi User and Multi Company (Single Sage Serial No with Multiple Companies) at no extra cost.
- All updates, new features and new Sage version compatibility upgrades are included in the price.
- Adept Add-Ons are backwards compatible when it comes to Sage versions, most go back to v8.
- A Web Update facility will keep your program up to date, accessed via Menu>About.
- Adept CSV Tools RRP at £180+VAT for Year 1 and an Annual Renewal Fee of 20% of the RRP (£36+VAT) for Year 2 onwards. VAT is charged as applicable. We offer Free 30 Day Trials of our Add-Ons range.
The Full List of Features
- To see everything an Adept CSV Tool can do, please visit our website and select the Add-On you require https://www.adepttools.co.uk/import-export-add-ons-for-sage/
- Choose from: Address CSV | Customer CSV | Fixed Asset CSV | INV Header CSV | Own Part Numbers | POP Header CSV | Price CSV | Product & BOM CSV | Project Charge CSV | Purchase Order CSV | Sales Invoice CSV | Sales Order CSV | SOP Header CSV | Supplier CSV | Transaction CSV
Change Codes & Descriptions
The Adept range of Code Changers were created to assist with the most common requests from Sage Users. The Product & Account Code Changer can change codes even if they have Activity on them. The Range also includes being able to to change the Date, Dept Code, Tax Code and the Nominal Code on Transactions in the Sage Audit Trail.

Benefits of using the Product & Account Code Changers
- Change Customer Account Code, Supplier Account Code & Product Codes even if they have history/activity on them. It retains all your transaction and stock history.
- Change the Description on a Product Codes (only in CSV file mode).
- Make multiple code changes using the CSV file option with the Old Code in Column A and the New Code in Column B.
- You can also change multiple code prefixes in one operation.
Benefits of using the Transaction Code Changers
- Change the Date, Dept Code, Tax Code or Nominal Code on a Sage Transaction without creating any red Cancel lines in the Audit Trail.
- Select a range of Transaction Types or All Types. Select a range of Transaction Numbers or All Numbers.
- Optional selection criteria's includes Account Code, Header Reference, Nominal Code, Dept No, Posted by Username, Posted Date, Transaction Date & Tax Code.
Pricing and Licence Information
- Adept Code Changers RRP at £180+VAT for Year 1 and an Annual Renewal Fee of 20% of the RRP (£36+VAT) for Year 2 onwards. VAT is charged as applicable. We offer Free 30 Day Trials of our Add-Ons range.
- They are Multi User and Multi Company (Single Sage Serial No with Multiple Companies) at no extra cost.
- All updates, new features and new Sage version compatibility upgrades are included in the price.
- Adept Add-Ons are backwards compatible when it comes to Sage versions, most go back to v8.
- A Web Update facility will keep your program up to date, accessed via Menu>About.
The Full List of Features
- Choose from: Product & Account Code Changer | Transaction Date Changer | Transaction Dept Code Changer | Transaction Nominal Code Changer | Transaction Tax Code Changer
- To see everything an Adept Code Changer Tool can do, please visit our website and select the Add-On you require https://www.adepttools.co.uk/code-changer-add-ons-for-sage/
Products, Stock & BOM's
These Adept Add-On Tools can be used for importing and exporting data, BOM management, adjustments, prices and more to assist with managing your Sage 50 Products/Stock.

Benefits of using the Adept Product & Stock Tools
- Quick Search Products and Sales or Purchase Order History by Product or Customer/Supplier. The Google Search for Sage 50.
- Update Sales or Retail Prices and Purchase Order Header details. Edit Stock Transactions or create Inward Adjustments.
- Manage Stock that's in Multiple Locations or create Own Part Numbers for Customers & Suppliers that want to see their own SKU Codes and Descriptions on orders or invoices.
- Split a batch of Stock into individual codes or add all the component codes for a BOM to a Sales Order.
- Import & Export Product & BOM records (or Duplicate). Import & Export Price Lists & Purchase Orders. Create Back to Back Orders from Sales Invoices or Sales Orders.
Pricing and Licence Information
- Adept Add-Ons are backwards compatible when it comes to Sage versions, most go back to v8.
- Pricing for these Tools ranges from £180+VAT RRP to £360+VAT RRP for Year 1 and an Annual Renewal Fee of 20% of the RRP (£36+VAT to £72+VAT) for Year 2 onwards. VAT is charged as applicable. We offer Free 30 Day Trials of our Add-Ons range.
- They are Multi User and Multi Company (Single Sage Serial No with Multiple Companies) at no extra cost.
- All updates, new features and new Sage version compatibility upgrades are included in the price.
- A Web Update facility will keep your program up to date, accessed via Menu>About.
The Full List of Features
- To see everything an Adept Product & Stock Tool can do, please visit our website and select the Add-On you require https://www.adepttools.co.uk/products-stock-add-ons-for-sage/
- Choose from: Adjustments In | Back to Back Orders | BOM Tools | Document Explosion | Multi Location Stock Tool | Order Viewer Pro | Own Part Numbers | POP Header CSV | Price CSV | Product & Account Code Changer | Product & BOM CSV | Product Duplicator | Product Viewer Mid | Purchase Order CSV | Retail Prices | Retrospective Stock | Sales Price Updater | Stock Split | Stock Transaction Editor
Customers & Sales
This range of Adept Tools will help when dealing with your valued customers and how you manage the selling them your products or services.

Benefits of using the Adept Customer & Sales Tools
- Import & Export Sales Invoices & Sales Receipts or Sales Orders, Delivery Address's, Customer Records, Products and Transactions.
- Allocate Payments already on Sage or Import them to match against an outstanding Invoice. Create Back to Back Orders or enter a Sales Order & Invoice.
- Quick Search Customers and their Sales Order or Sales Invoice History, the Google Search for Sage 50.
- Update Sales Prices, Retail Prices, Customer Price Lists and Product Special Prices.
- Link your website to Sage, download Sales into Sage and send Product information back your website including Stock Levels, Images, Discount Tables, Prices and more.
Pricing and Licence Information
- Pricing for these Tools are £180+VAT RRP, £360+VAT RRP & £720+VAT RRP for Year 1 and an Annual Renewal Fee of 20% of the RRP (£36+VAT, £72+VAT & £144+VAT) for Year 2 onwards. VAT is charged as applicable. We offer Free 30 Day Trials of our Add-Ons range.
- They are Multi User and Multi Company (Single Sage Serial No with Multiple Companies) at no extra cost.
- All updates, new features and new Sage version compatibility upgrades are included in the price.
- Adept Add-Ons are backwards compatible when it comes to Sage versions, most go back to v8.
- A Web Update facility will keep your program up to date, accessed via Menu>About.
The Full List of Features
- To see everything an Adept Customer & Sales Tool can do, please visit our website and select the Add-On you require https://www.adepttools.co.uk/customers-sales-add-ons-for-sage/
- Choose from: Address CSV | Allocate Payments | Back to Back Orders | Credit Note Creator | Customer CSV | Document Explosion | INV Header CSV | Order Viewer Pro | Own Part Numbers | Price CSV | Product & Account Code Changer | Product CSV | Product Viewer Mid | Retail Prices | Sales Invoice CSV | Sales Order & Invoice Entry | Sales Order CSV | Sales Price Updater | SOP Header CSV | Subscriptions | Transaction CSV | Transaction Dept Code Changer | Transaction Nominal Code Changer | XML Web Import Export
Suppliers & Purchasing
This range of Adept Tools will help when dealing with your Suppliers and how you manage purchasing products from them.

Benefits of using the Adept Supplier & Purchasing Tools
- Find Duplicate Purchase Invoices, Assemble or Disassemble BOM's and create Own Part Numbers & Descriptions.
- Quick Search Suppliers and their Purchase Order History, the Google Search for Sage 50.
- Allocate Payments already on Sage or Import them to match against an outstanding Invoice. Create Back to Back Orders or Inward Stock Adjustments.
- Import & Export Purchase Invoices & Purchase Payments or Purchase Orders, Price Lists, Supplier Records, Products and Transactions.
Pricing and Licence Information
- A Web Update facility will keep your program up to date, accessed via Menu>About.
- Adept Add-Ons are backwards compatible when it comes to Sage versions, most go back to v8.
- All updates, new features and new Sage version compatibility upgrades are included in the price.
- They are Multi User and Multi Company (Single Sage Serial No with Multiple Companies) at no extra cost.
- Pricing for these Tools ranges from £180+VAT RRP to £360+VAT RRP for Year 1 and an Annual Renewal Fee of 20% of the RRP (£36+VAT to £72+VAT) for Year 2 onwards. VAT is charged as applicable. We offer Free 30 Day Trials of our Add-Ons range.
The Full List of Features
- Choose from: Adjustments In | Allocate Payments | Back to Back Orders | BOM Tools | Company Viewer Lite | Document Explosion | Find Duplicate Purchase Invoices | Order Viewer Pro | Own Part Numbers | POP Header CSV | Price CSV | Product & Account Code Changer | Product CSV | Product Viewer Mid | Purchase Order CSV | Supplier CSV | Transaction CSV | Transaction Dept Code Changer | Transaction Nominal Code Changer
- To see everything an Adept Supplier & Purchasing Tool can do, please visit our website and select the Add-On you require https://www.adepttools.co.uk/suppliers-purchasing-add-ons-for-sage/
Financials & Charities
This range of Add-Ons Tools were designed to help with Financial Transactions in the Sage Audit Trail and data processing for Charities.

Benefits of using the Financial & Charity Tools
- If you're a Charity you can Import and Export Fund Numbers, Donations, set Gift Aid and Small Donation flags all from a CSV file without removing users from working in Sage.
- Create BAS or GST Returns if you're trading in Australia or New Zealand.
- Change the Date, Dept Code, Tax Code or Nominal Code on a Sage Transaction without creating any red Cancel lines in the Audit Trail.
- Allocate Payments already on Sage or Import them to match against an outstanding Sales or Purchase Invoice.
- Import & Export Transactions including Foreign Currency, Sales Invoices & Receipts, Purchase Invoices & Payments, Bank Payments & Receipts, Bank Transfers and Postponed VAT transactions.
Pricing and Licence Information
- A Web Update facility will keep your program up to date, accessed via Menu>About.
- Adept Add-Ons are backwards compatible when it comes to Sage versions, most go back to v8.
- All updates, new features and new Sage version compatibility upgrades are included in the price.
- They are Multi User and Multi Company (Single Sage Serial No with Multiple Companies) at no extra cost.
- These Adept Tools RRP at £180+VAT for Year 1 and an Annual Renewal Fee of 20% of the RRP (£36+VAT) for Year 2 onwards. VAT is charged as applicable. We offer Free 30 Day Trials of our Add-Ons range.
The Full List of Features
- Choose from: Allocate Payments | Fixed Asset CSV | Tax | Transaction CSV | Transaction Date Changer | Transaction Dept Code Changer | Transaction Nominal Code Changer | Transaction Tax Code Changer
- To see everything an Adept Financial & Charity Tool can do, please visit our website and select the Add-On you require https://www.adepttools.co.uk/financials-charity-add-ons-for-sage/